Electric Shield (2)Full unit name: [TOR Electric Shield]
Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:23
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
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An electric shield was a type of protective field generator that was used by various factions during and after the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
It was designed to protect against melee attacks, covering its wielder in a spherical electrical field and delivering a high-voltage electrical jolt to anyone who advanced too close. Electric shield could be wielded by an individual like any other model of personal shield, or it could be installed on a droid.
See also
Organizations that used this weapon or equipment
Republic Army
Republic Army Research Division
Black Sun
Death's Claw
Characters who used this weapon or equipment
Droid models that used this weapon or equipment
ORM-A01 Probe Droid
Complete list

Full unit name: [TOR Electric Shield] Last updated: 23.08.2024 19:03:23